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Garry Glowacki essays

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Monday, September 30, 2019


Systematic way of organizing and explaining observations B) hypothetical way of organizing and explaining characteristics of people C) systematic framework for creating a hypothesis based on data and experimentation D) framework based on one's psychological perspective 2. A hypothesis is best characterized as: A) a procedure that precedes a theoretical framework B) any phenomenon that can change from one situation to another C) a systematic way of organizing and explaining observations D) a tentative belief about the relationship between two or more variables .Variables that can be placed on a continuum, such as the degree of happiness or the amount of income, are referred to as: A) dependent variables B) independent variables C) categorical variables D) continuous variables 4. Any variable that is comprised of groupings or classifications such that a person must be in one group or another is referred to as a/an: A) dependent variable B) independent variable C) categorical variable D ) continuous variable 5. I am running an experiment in which my participants have a drink and then drive a car. To ensure that I have good results, my participants shouldA) try hard to drive well when in next in line B) be blind to the results C) be able to explain their observations D) have the same basic procedure so as to minimize unintended variations 6. A subgroup of the population that is likely to be representative of the population as a whole is known as A) a culture B) a sample C) a population D) a subculture 7. Good psychological research uses standardized procedures in order to: A) make sure that a representative sample is being used B) expose participants in a study to as similar procedures as possible C) ensure external validity D) ensure objectivity 8.In order to ensure that the findings obtained with your sample can be applied to the population, your study should involve which of the following? A) stratified sample of subjects B) external validity C) experimenter's di lemma D) all of the above 9. A test that yields relatively similar scores for the same individual over time has which ONE of the following types of reliability? A) test-retest reliability B) integrate reliability C) interim reliability D) contextual reliability 10. If two or more individuals agree on some dimension and give a participant the same score, then that study possesses: A) test-retest reliability 1.Validity is present when: A) the test measures what it is supposed to measure B) measurement reflects truth C) measurement reflects theory correctly D) the test measures the same way each time 12. With regard to face validity, which of the following is true? A) face validity refers to whether or not the measure looks like it measures what it purports to measure B) many researchers go out of their way to make sure their scale does not have face validity C) face validity is the least important type of validity 13.One of the best ways to obtain an accurate assessment off variable i s A) with face validity B) through central reliability C) by using multiple measures D) by using a representative sample 14. Which one of the following is NOT a type of descriptive research? A) case study B) naturalistic observation C) survey D) correlation study 15. A case study is: A) a survey of a person's likes and dislikes B) generalize with little effort C) the study of one individual in great depth D) appropriate for small groups 16.Possible limitations of the case-study method include: A) investigator bias B) small sample size C) lack of generalization 17. The major problem with survey methods is that: A) most people don't want to talk about themselves B) it is hard to question people in their natural environments C) they rely on participants to report on themselves truthfully and accurately D) all of the above 18. Before an experiment begins, the participant must agree to participate in the study.In other words, the participant must provide: A) substantial knowledge B) info rmed consent C) debriefing D) ethical knowledge 19. Debriefing a subject means: A) you briefly explain what will happen in the experiment before you begin B) you explain the purpose of the study and remove any stressful after effects after the artificial is finished C) you have the subject sign a document agreeing to be in the experiment D) you run through the experiment quickly with a participant for practice before you begin collecting data 20.I find that there is a +. 59 correlation between shoe size and intelligence. What can I correctly conclude? A) Having a bigger shoe size causes you to be more intelligent. B) Being more intelligent causes you to have bigger feet and, thus, a bigger shoe size. C) Exercise stimulates both physical growth (resulting in bigger feet) and intellectual growth (resulting in higher intelligence levels). D) Shoe size and

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